It’s not what’s happening to you now or what has happened in your past that determines who you become,” says leadership coach Anthony Robbins. “Rather, it’s your decisions about what to focus on, what things mean to you, and what you’re going to do about them that will determine your ultimate destiny.” It’s essential to have focus at every level, because each one impacts the next:

  1. Lifetime. Focus at this level means that you have a purpose for your life. It sets the direction for each of the other levels and helps you to avoid making the wrong decisions. To identify your life purpose, find out what matters to you, what you are passionate about, and how the two intersect. Write your life purpose down in a brief personal mission statement.
  2. Annual. Set annual objectives related to your life purpose. These should be specific and measurable. Limit yourself to just one or two so that you can maintain focus on them.
  3. Weekly. Always set goals for the week ahead. These are things you want to achieve to help you accomplish your annual goal.
  4. Daily. What are the things you want to achieve today? Start by setting a most important task – one that will make the most difference if you get it done today. Then ask yourself that question every day and soon you will have a list of priorities.
  5. Now. The next level of focus is on the present. That means focusing solely on whatever it is you are doing. Avoid multi-tasking and distractions, and use your most productive hours to accomplish as much as possible.
